Sunday, November 29, 2015

Making Sense Of It All

I remember when I was a little girl, probably around 5 years old, I asked my Mom why was I alive and why had I been born. At that time, my Mom had been raised as a Catholic, but she put it simply. She showed me her bible and told me the story of creation in child format. And that was my first introduction to God. She planted the "mustard seed". Of course, as I got older, many questions came after that first one. My Mom is what many would call a "Bible Thumper". As far back as I can remember, she was always studying the bible.  I'm not talking studying, I'm talking intense research complete with concordances, context in Hebrew, etc.  There are many areas of the Bible we have disagreement, but I can respect what God has revealed to her.  The common thread we have is that we have hope. We believe that after we cease to breathe in this life, another follows -- a perfect life that has been promised.


I believe that my life has purpose. There are many times I have questioned that purpose. I have had much suffering in my life. Those who know me know the stories. Some of my suffering was as a victim and some of the suffering was caused by own free will of choice. Needless to say, the suffering was sometimes unbearable. Some of the suffering was so bad, there are thick intense scars, but I believe those scars are what made me stronger and able to move forward. I know I've disappointed.

Although I proclaim to be a Christian, I have not always lived up to that example. I have made huge mistakes in my life. Mistakes that caused hurt and broken relationships. Mistakes that were financially devastating. I believe mistakes are better defined as on purpose choices with a bad result. Sometimes those choices would send me into a deep depression and I felt my life had no purpose. But always, because of what I was taught and studies for myself, I hear that small voice tell me, "This too shall pass.". And it does. Then hope returns. Because of my flawed life, I am not one to judge others.

So what is the point of this blog? Lately, I've been reading a lot of stuff in media about how Christianity is a radical belief system. As radical as terrorism. I don't know if it is said out of ignorance or if these individuals really believe that to be true by studying and exhausting all other beliefs. If you believe that to be true, then I'll respect that you have studied what you believe and have come to that conclusion. But why not let me continue to believe in what I believe without tearing what I have studied and what I believe to be true?

I believe that God has instilled in me a yearning to exist forever. I believe that life is a gift. I believe in a purpose and a plan that doesn't make sense to me now, but will be revealed to me by God when deemed the time. I believe that I can pray through Jesus Christ to my Heavenly Father for whatever I want and according to His will is answered.These prayers are not always for myself -- I am a constant prayers warrior who will be happy and ready to pray for others. It may not necessarily be the answer I want, but none the less, it is answered. I have experienced miracles through my prayers. And those prayers are always answered in His time and not mine. I believe the Holy Spirit, through a whisper, directs my path.  Most of all, I believe I can pray for forgiveness. And because of this, I don't live hopelessly.

I believe that we are living in the last days of this earth (look what is happening with the middle east and throughout the world) and that the true purpose and plan of salvation will be revealed through the second coming of Jesus Christ. I may not live to see it transpire, but one thing I know is it is my desire to be part of the group that meets up with Him!! So, let me hold on to that hope and my belief, because no matter how it is contradicted or deemed untrue, my belief has a very happy ending.

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