Saturday, June 6, 2015

Progression of Creativity

I love when a collector gives me an opportunity to do a commissioned painting for them.  Some give me concepts and others tell me to just create a Cindy original.  I love the Cindy originals.  I always tell my collectors that when I do a painting, I say a prayer over each one.  I always ask God to give me something in the painting that will reach the collector on an emotional level.  Always, even when a particular piece wasn't commissioned by the collector, the person collecting my art is moved in some way by the piece. Even when provided a concept by the collector, it still becomes a Cindy original, because my perception of what they describe could be totally different from what they imagined.  I've not yet experienced someone not liking the paintings I have completed for them.  Thank goodness.  I always provide them an out though.  I tell them if the painting isn't taking the direction they wanted it to take, I can always sell the piece I am working on to someone else.

My artist friend, Robin Maria Pedrero, has on many occasions shown the progression of her art projects.  I am thrilled to see her creativity evolve from just a splash of paint on her canvas.  It's amazing to see.  In fact, I have many artist friends on Facebook who have shown their progression of art projects.  So recently, I've been trying to do the same thing.  I usually try to show the progression of a piece to my collectors who have commissioned me.  I want to see their reaction as I add elements to the painting.  There have been times that I wished I hadn't taken that extra step in a painting and wished there was a photo shop feature for taking those strokes back.  And there have been times, when I haven't done enough.  I love being able to share progression with all my collectors and social media friends.  The feedback they provide is so encouraging!!

It really thrills me, when I receive a new follower or a comment from someone who has never seen or collected my art.

Below are the progression photos I took while creating "Living Color".

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