Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Love For Art

I was curious to see if my art blog was still active and it is.  If you are interested in reading a few short stories, they can be found at -- During the time I wrote the My Love For Art blog, I was very enthusiastic about my resurrected love for art and the encouragement I had been receiving to sell it.

Several people who encouraged me to sell art, actually purchased some originals and/ or commissioned me with their concepts.  I can tell you the commissioned pieces are much harder for me, because you want to capture their descriptions and concept.  I've learned that my art is a gift from God, so when I begin each piece, I say a prayer.  When I'm commissioned, I pray through the entire piece.  There are times when I look on a piece and just say his name, "Oh, God!"  I usually get through those ones.  I've been known to wash off a canvas and start over.

I admire the works of several artists.  With some of them, they tend to use similar color palettes of color.  I have also learned from trained artists that there are art rules.  My art is very much like my life.  It has no boundaries and my palette is every color that makes sense at the time.  So my art is very bright and colorful.  I was once told by an artist online that my art was naive and whimsical.  I was also told by a close friend that if I paint 10,000 hours, I could become a master at my craft.  I'm hoping with each year I have left to paint that my art gets better and less naive.  However, my art is original and I paint what I'm feeling at the time.

I originally started painting when my daughter moved out.  Her huge room became my art studio.  Whenever my heart was missing her, I would go into my studio, play music, drink wine and paint.  In that first year, I painted over 100 pieces.

My art comes and goes with my emotions.  My family recently moved from Southern California to Washington.  I was looking forward to all the new subjects of beauty I would be able to paint once we got moved.  I was ready to work 24/7 on art.  But unknown to be, my plans took a terrible emotional blow in September.  My creativity had been stifled up until about two weeks ago.  It's amazing how someone you are closest to can disappoint you and affect everything that makes you, you.  My lesson learned was that I have to keep looking up for my life's answers and know that disappointments are part of humanity.  Forgiveness is how I move forward.  And thank goodness it goes both ways.  I know in my life I've been disappointing.

I have Graves diseased eyes.  There are days when the pain shooting from them becomes unbearable.  On one particular day several years ago, the pain would not cease, even with 800MG of Ibuprofen.  So to detract from the pain, I painted.  I painted a piece I called, "My Eyes' Fury".  After I painted, I slept and woke up much better.

I keep several pieces of my early day art that I would never think to sell because they are pieces that no one would hang or want.  But they remind me of how far my art has evolved in the past five years and it has.


  1. You and your art are a blessing! Keep creating!

  2. Thank you for your continued encouragement, Robin. It means a lot to me. :)
